
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2015

Thesis Abstract

ABSTRACT Farida, Novi Umi. 2015. The Effectiveness of Using Circular Cards in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text of the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Ngantru in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 . Thesis , English Education, STKIP PGRI Tulungagung. Key Word s : Effectiveness, Circular Cards, Writing and Descriptive Text Writing is the one of important skill that must be learnt by student. However, many students have difficulties in writing descriptive text. T he problem in this study is formulated as follows: is there any significant difference on students’ writing descriptive text before and after being taught using circular cards of the eighth grade students of  SMPN 1 Ngant r u in the academic year of 2014/2015?. Based on the problem, the researcher wants to conducts a research that is teaching writing by using circular cards. Circular cards can increase the students skill in writing because the students can be more active and creative in learning writing descriptive text....


TRAVELLING By Novi Umi Farida Travelling, who doesn’t like travelling? Most people like travelling and only little people who doesn’t like it. By travelling, we can spend our free time with go to around the tour place. Imagine that if we go travelling with our family or our friend, we go to some beautiful places, see another beauty of the world and having fun together. It is very interesting, isn’t?. And I love travelling so much because it give me many advantages and pleasure. Travelling is a great opportunity for refreshing. We can relax our mind from the tiredness of daily routine. For example, when we are feeling tired from campus or may be working, we can relax for a moment by visiting some places. I think all feeling of tired, sadness, worried and depressed will lose when we’ve in a beatiful place. And also, we can gather together with friends or someone special.  Beside that, by travelling we’ll be closer to nature. It is one way to preserve the natural beauty...