Thesis Proposal Chapter 1



This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and hypothesis.

1.1    Background of the Study
English has very important role in the word, because it is an international language. Especially in the world of education, bussiness, science and technology. Consequently, the materials on those fields are written in English and used in communication. In addition, the internet and technology today also involve English as the user interface. These facts prove that English has a very important role in human relation in this world. That is why we need to master Englsih language.
English has three components: vocabulary, grammar and  pronunciation. One of English components which is the most important is Grammar. Grammar is the set of language rules that we use to create phrases and sentences that convey meaning. Grammar has very important role to writing. We need to combine some words or elements to make good sentences.
Many student do not master english grammar. Learning grammar is not easy for students. Therefore, most of the students believe that learning grammar is a difficult. The students are difficulties in make a sentences and analyze error grammar. English teacher often finds the students make mistake in writing grammar and structure.
The teacher should choose an appropriate teaching method, which is suitabe with the teaching learning. The need to use various instructural media will be able to help student to increase their English grammar. Teaching grammar in order to facilitate the learners’ comprehension and production of real language, rather than as an end in itself. language learning is more often than not a process of gradual approximation. Instead of teaching grammar, try to provide the right conditions for grammar learning.
 Using grammar translation method to in teach grammar mastery. It’s focuses on translating grammatical forms, memorizing vocabulary, learning rules, and studying conjugations. The students are given the grammar rules and examples, are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to other examples.
Grammar Translation Method is interesting method. The purpose of the grammar translation method was to help students read and understand foreign language literature (Larsen-Freeman, 2000). It was an efficient way of learning vocabulary and grammatical structures. Through focusing on the rules of the grammar of the target language students would recognize the features of two languages that would make language learning easier. A significant role of this method is translating one language into the other. In this method mastery of the grammatical rules and vocabulary knowledge are emphasized, therefore. It has been hoped that learning is facilitated. In order to communicate accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately skills and practice students need are provided using the grammar translation method (Fish, 2003).
Based on the description above, the researcher conducts a research entitled "The Effectiveness of Grammar Translation Method in Teaching Grammar on the Seventh Grade Student of SMPN 2 Ngunut in Academic Year 2014/2015”.

1.2    Statement of the Problem
Is there any significant effect of grammar translation method in teaching grammar on the seventh grade students’ of SMPN 2 Ngunut in academic year 2014/2015?

1.3  Objective of the Study
To know whether or not there is any significant effect of grammar translation method in teaching grammar on the seventh grade students’ of SMPN 2 Ngunut in academic year 2014/2015.

1.4    Significance of the Study
1.        For the Students
The result of this study can stimulate their motivation in learning and consequency they are interested in studying English. it is hoped to be able to improve their ability.
2.        For the English Teachers
The result of this study can be used by English teacher as reference and feedback for the effectiveness in teaching.
3.        For the Future Researchers
The result of this study can be used as a reference for other researchers to conduct a futher research dealing with teaching method used in the classroom.

1.5    Hypothesis
1.    Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
There is significant effect of Grammar Translation Method in teaching grammar on the seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 2 Ngunut in academic year 2014/2015.
2.      Null Hypothesis (Ho)
There is no significant effect of Grammar Translation Method in teaching grammar on the seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 2 Ngunut in academic year 2014/2015.


2.1 Grammar Mastery
2.1.1 Definition of Grammar
2.1.2 Teaching Grammar
2.1.3 Function of Grammar
2.1.4 Principles of teaching Grammar
2.1.5 Importance of Grammar
2.1.6 Grammar Assessment
2.2 Grammar Translation Method
2.2.1 Definition of Grammar Translation Method
2.2.2 Key element of Grammar Translation Method
2.2.3 Procedures of Grammar Translation Method
2.2.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Grammar Translation Method


In this chapter the researcher presents the component of research method. They are research design, population, sample and sampling, research variable, data collecting method and data analysis method.

3.1    Research Design
Arikunto (2006: 51) says that research design is a planning made by a researcher, as terms of activity which will be conducted. The plan allows the researcher to conduct a research systematically. Experimental research is a quantitative research which is related between cause and effect. Meanwhile Ary, Jacob and Sorensen(2010: 265) said that experimental research is a scientific investigation in which the researcher manipulated one or more any other relevant variable and observes the effect of the manipulations on the dependent variable.
There are three design in experimental research: pre-experimental, quasi experimental and true experimental. The characteristic of  pre-experimental design is the researcher manipulateds one or more independent variable, controls any other relevant variable and observes the effect of the manipulations on the dependent variables.
In this research, the researcher conducts a research design was pre experimental with quantitative research. This research was intended to investigate the effectiveness of Grammar Translation Method in teaching grammar on the seventh grade students’ of SMPN 2 Ngunut. The researcher used pre experimental with one group pretest posttest design. The observation do twice, before and after experiment. Observation before experiment called pretest and observation after experiment called posttest. The different between pretest and posttest is the effect of treatment or experiment.
The pre experimental with one group pretest-posttest design usually involves three procedures.
1.    Administering a pretest measuring the dependent variable
2.    Appliying the experimental treatment X to the subjects
3.    Administering a posttest measurring the dependent variable

That is based on the diagram below:
Design 1: One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design      
Independent Variable

Based on description above, the researcher used pre-experimental design and this research used one-group pretest-posttest design. The researcher wants to know effectiveness of Grammar Translation Method in teaching grammar.

3.2    Population, Sample and Sampling
In this section, the researcher would describe population, sample and sampling which is used in this research.
3.2.1 Population
Acording to Creswell (2008: 151) a population is a group of individuals who have the same characteristics, for example population of teachers, population of students, etc. In this research, the population is all of the seventh grade of SMP N 2 Ngunut. They are 256 students which consists of eight classes from A class until H class.
3.2.2 Sample
A sample is a group of subjects or individuals selected from the population and considered to be representative of the wider population (Edward and Talbot, 1994: 158). The sample of this research is the VII - A of SMPN 2 Ngunut, which consists of 32 students.
3.2.3 Sampling
Sampling is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group from which they were selected (Gay, 1992: 123). In chooosing sample of this research, the researcher uses Simple Cluster Sampling. Simple Cluster Sampling was taken by conducting the research into a class only. From the 8 classes seventh grade of SMPN 2 Ngunut the researcher took only one class, the class is VII - A. Because A class were lack in grammar mastery.

3.3    Research Variable
In this research, there are two kinds of variable namely, independent variable and dependent variable. The explanations of each are as follows
3.3.1   Independent Variable
According to Cresswell (2008: 123), an independent variable is an attributte or characteristics that influence or affects an outcome or dependent variable. In this research, grammar translation method is independent variable that is symbolized by “X”.
3.3.2   Dependent Variable
According to Cresswell (2008: 123), a dependent variable is an attributte or characteristics that is dependent on, or influenced by the independent variable. In this research, grammar mastery is independent variable that is symbolized by “Y”.

3.4    Research Instrument
Research instrument is a device used by the researcher while collecting data to make his work become easier and get a better result complete and systematic in order to make the data easy to be processed. In this research, the researcher uses test to collecting the data.
3.4.1 Test
Test is a means of measuring the knowledge, skill, feeling, intelligence, or aptitude of an individual or group (Gay, 1992: 154). Test is some question that given to the student to know student achievement in grammar test. There are two kinds of test, they are pre- test and post- test. Pre-test was done before treatment process (teaching grammar by using Grammar Translation Method) and posttest done by using using Grammar Translation Method.

3.5    Data Collection Method
According to Arikunto (2010: 193), there are some methods in collecting data. They include test, questionnaires, interview, observation and documentation. In this research, the researcher used test to collect the data. The researcher used two kinds of test, pretest and posttest.
3.5.1 Pre-Test
Pre-test was given before doing an experimental study or before teaching by Grammar Translation Method. This was subjective test that was given to know the basic competence for all students and to know their earlier knowledge before they get treatment. The test is the students ask to make a paragaph that tell about their daily activities in home. It was done to know the grammar mastery of the students before appliying Grammar Translation Method.
3.5.2 Post-Test
The last, posttest was given after doing the treatment or after teaching by Grammar Translation Method. It was conducted to get score of students after doing treatment. Posttest is conducted through give an exercise that is the students ask to translate a sentences into English language. It was done to know the final score and to know the students’ difference score before and after they getting treatment. If there any differences score, it showed that the treatment was succesful.

3.6    Data Analysis Method
The technique of data analysis, the researcher used quantitative data analysis by using statistical program. The quantitative data analysis was used to know the student’s achievement in grammar mastery by using Grammar Translation Method. The researcher conducted test before and after they were taught by using Grammar Translation Method.
In this research, the researcher used statistical data analysis technique to know the difference between the students’ scores in grammar test before and after being taught by Grammar Translation Method. Data that was the students’ scores obtained from the pretest and posttest would be analyzed statistically by using the paired t-test.
The samples were referred to as paired samples or dependent samples, because they were drawn dependently from population within one group. In this research, the seventh grade students at SMPN 2 Ngunut, especially B class was taken as samples, which were 32 students. The test results were compared.


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